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FNSL: The Historic victory of Brexit could mark the start of Liberation of the European Peoples and beyond

FNSL  initiative: FRONT FOR NATIONAL AND SOCIAL LIBERATION – 25/06/2016 – June 23rd 2016 is the day that may change history. The British referendum was a terrific slap in the faces, not only of the Euro-elites (or rather Euro-bums!), but also the whole Transnational Elite (TE) and the neoliberal …

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Brexit Revolution and Counter-revolution

TAKIS FOTOPOULOS * (20.07.2016)   Abstract: The aim of this article[1] is twofold. First, to show why the UK referendum result in favor of BREXIT from the EU was very much a popular “revolution” as the entire movement was a movement “from below”, i.e. from the victims of globalization themselves. …

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Brexit, Globalization and the Bankruptcy of the Globalist “Left”

TAKIS FOTOPOULOS  (10.04.2016) *   Abstract: The aim of this article is to examine the fundamental change in the parameters determining the UK-EU relationship since 1975, when the first referendum on whether Britain will stay in the Common Market (the precursor of the EU) was held. It is argued that …

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What is at stake in the British referendum

TAKIS FOTOPOULOS[1] (01.05.2016)   The struggle in Britain between those fighting for Brexit and those fighting against it is very unequal The two sides in the struggle On the one side there are the entire Transnational and British elites, i.e. the entire network of economic, political and media elites which …

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Message to Corbyn and joint statement from 3 unions on a united Labour movement

Gary Matthews, a veteran syndicalist and militant pro-Brexit activist in Chesterfield, UK, wrote this small but caustic message to the leader of UK’s Labour Party , Jeremy Corbyn, on his turnabout in favor of the EU: You probably do not read replies, such is the modern world. But I consider …

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DIEM25: A Manifesto for democratizing Europe or for perpetuating the EU elites’ domination of the European peoples?

—Towards a democratic community of sovereign nations TAKIS FOTOPOULOS (19.02.2016)      Abstract: In the midst of huge publicity, particularly by the mass media of the globalist “Left” (i.e. the Left that is fully integrated into the New World Order (NWO) of neoliberal globalization) such as The Guardian, Y. Varoufakis …

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Hillary Clinton’s emails, “Greater Israel” and the Yinon Plan

We republish this important report by the always courageous anti-Zionist Jew, Gilad Atzmon, on the uncovering of ruthless war criminal Hillary’s agenda (as the representative of the most aggressive will of the Transnational Elite) and the, coordinated by the Transnational and Zionist Elites, plan for a Greater Israel, which, as …

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The downing of the Russian plane and the military intervention in Syria

TAKIS FOTOPOULOS (06.11.2015)   Abstract: In this article the significance of the downing of the Russian plane, possibly by a terrorist act, and of the Russian military intervention in Syria is analyzed in terms of the Transnational Elite’s plan for the integration of the entire Middle East into the New …

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Are austerity policies the problem or is it Neoliberal globalization?

TAKIS FOTOPOULOS  (01.05.2015)   Abstract: The article aims first to draw a clear distinction between neoliberal globalization (i.e. neoliberalism), as a structural or systemic change and neoliberal ideology. This distinction is necessary today, as many in the globalist Left confuse the two or simply consider neoliberalism as just an ideology, …

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